Monday, March 1, 2010

Miosotis & Nadine Jansen

The platform against the nuclear graveyard in Cuenca was the manifestation of Guadalajara

More than 200 members of the Platform Cuenca were one of the official signs in the massive demonstration held yesterday, which has been a resounding success.

"For us this event is, first, to express our complete agreement with the Platform of Guadalajara and, secondly, the start awareness and mobilization in the province of Cuenca. The platform is in its infancy, but growing rapidly (we have 28 organizations), so we call on all kinds of associations and political parties that are not yet to be incorporated for the sake of Cuenca, "said Carlos Villeta to the media during the demonstration (acting spokesman, in the absence of disease María Andrés).

The event featured a broad representation of society Cuenca, from ordinary citizens to different unions, environmentalists, social, and political parties. This shows that society as a whole Cuenca began to be aware of the tremendous risks that would install a nuclear graveyard in Villar de Cañas.

Platform arises continuing information and organizational activities, so that a refusal to be catching on Nuclear Graveyard, and be moving towards mass mobilizations. In this line, the next coordination meeting will be at The Landmark on Friday March 5 at 19:00.

Cuenca Society has received partial information about the Nuclear Graveyard, so it is necessary to counter this important work. A clear example is that many people are unaware associated with the cemetery to place a "technology center" includes among its facilities a reactor nuclear.En Currently, the Platform against Nuclear Cemetery in Basin 28 constituent organizations: ADI Záncara, A.VV. Pozo de las Nieves, A.VV. San Antón, Esparvel natural grouping, UI Department of Youth, ARMH-Cuenca, Cuenca Naturalists Association, ASTAREL, City of Belmont, City of El Hito, City of Villar de la Encina, Town Hall, Villarejo de Fuentes, CC.OO . (UP Cuenca), Citizens for the Republic of Cuenca, Pantry Natura, Ecologists in Action - CLM, Ecologists in Action - Cuenca, FCPN, Greenpeace, Environmental Group, Universal Tarancón Socialist Municipal Group, IU (local Association of Cuenca), Young Socialists, CLM, PCE de Cuenca, Cuenca PSOE, UGT-Cuenca, UPA-Cuenca, Urban Watch.

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Contact for Media: Maria Andrés (Speaker).
Phone: 630 735 246