Saturday, May 15, 2010

Content Yieldmanager Edgesuite Net

Opening Our

we present our humble Video Opening of the circle.

Twin Birthday Party Invitation Wording

Advance Video try next topic Discussion

This advance was provided by Lucia who will be the moderator of a discussion.

... Because I was born in the wrong place, because I'm small and do not even know what hit me or leave me, for I am with who tests your meds, because I was born in China or girl India, because I have less power than you and yet, I love you because I'm older and bother you, because I am a minority, because my skin is nice, because my death, or suffering amuses me some, because my meat or ruptured my liver is tasty, because my horns are nice because you want a better Rimell and cream, because I do not worship ... and because you're a sadistic bastard and you take advantage of my circumstances to feel strong and dominant because your cowardice allows you to compare yourself with a being in your circumstances. Courtesy

Lucia. Of course, this quitting smoking, so we encourage everyone from here.
Courage, Lucia!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Toddler, Murmur In Heart

Today Friday 14th of May, began a new journey for the social gatherings will be held the second Friday of each month at 19:30 at Bar Rubio. We would like to have it be for the diversity of opinions.

From here all members of the party to realize their opinions, suggestions, submissions, ideas, et ....
I invite everyone to freely use this space to share our concerns, our doubts, knowledge, experiences, etc ...
So Gatherings Blog Welcome to Collado Mediano.

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started our gatherings gatherings bases

Here are the basics of chat. A kind of "good behavior" in the gatherings.
It was agreed that to succeed a topic for debate: 1 .-
a topic is suggested. 2 .-
the issue is voted.
3 .- Once the item leaves the most votes, the person who suggested the topic will be the moderator in the circle.
4 .- The moderator of the debate, a brief introduction to the subject, then proceeds to moderate the debate pundits giving way to time and order of intervention.
The moderator, should and can interrupt a talk show if you see your debate is inappropriate for discussion and will also encourage questions and discussions if redirecting is beyond the scope of the subject matter. Not

- Insults.
- Disqualification.
- undue interruptions.
- Language objectionable, etc ...

The commentator documeetaciĆ³n can provide data, information extracted from external sources should cite the source of information to compare with the data provided.
Intervention Weather , stipulate what the moderator. In principle we have as 02 hours gathering, and the moderator is in charge of managing the time. (Taming).
can also participate in the gatherings as a listener and not to intervene.

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Somo few
commentators and would like to have more so in the future.
We present some of the commentators on Gatherings of Collado Mediano.
Click here to see the pundits
If you want to join as a commentator contact us.

President Lincoln Test

issues we have discussed in our gatherings in Collado Mediano.

On May 14 has addressed the issue of: "The Veil, Integration or Multiculturalism?
took part in the debate:
- Rosa
- Juana
- Viki as Moderator
- Lucia
- Robert
- Paul
- Hakim

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Topics Covered Topics covered

Soon, we will post the topics.

day gathering in the May 14, the pundits have suggested in this order:
- Viki: The reduction of salaries to civil servants.
- Lucia: Weak. Abuse of superior.
- Robert: English Gastronomy "Is it food or eating?
- Juana: gender violence. Hakim
: Journalism in the West and particularly in Spain.

Finally, vote for the proposed theme Lucia on the weak. He promised that he will send an advance on the subject, because it really covers many fields because the question was: Are we all weak? you can imagine how far you can stretch to this topic.