Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rogue Status Gun Bandana

won Del Progreso, rock and Cipolletti at the start of Associative

Good win last night got to Union Progreso Del Allen. Liberals won by 82 to 74 with 32 points Leopoldo Ruiz Moreno, who became the figure of the game.

the other hand, Paul Almond said always match the Wizards, scored 33.

The party gave the debut of Stephen De La Fuente Del Progreso, Argentina and former National League selection.

Both teams came out with the slogan to staff, but were charging fouls, but Del Progreso Union. With Francisco Gaytan (16) penetrating the opposing defense and score from the perimeter, plus the contribution of a good defense as a whole, which allowed Del Progreso rebounding and out of counterattack, the visit went up 42-32 at halftime . Union, which gave several centimeters with no Rodrigo Lopes managed to be able to match the individual offensive showing Paul Almond (33), and then tied it at 50 and then at 59, the end of the third room. In the ten finishes, very emotional, Juan Pena (12) made a triple failure 1 ' 10 and the successful penetration of Ruiz Moreno, gave the victory to progress in a tight seal where Cuchetti Franco (10) sealed it with two free.

Roca won

Deportivo Roca as local beat Atletico Regina 72 to 56 in the 827 Housing Cop. Leo stood in orange Ansaloni (24), Diego Casemayor (14), Alejandro Palmieri (11) and Facundo Viñambres (9). The run by Sebastian Garcia reached a difference of 22 points on a Albo was not with the inner and Gaston Felicevich Diego González.

At Cinco Saltos, and court full, Cipolletti snatched the game close to the tricolor for 59 to 56. There was good internal work Matías Guychaleo in visitors, in the absence of 1 ', and down in the score by one, struck the blow for the win.

The next is played on Friday 15, Deportivo Roca-Del Progreso Cipolletti-Union and Regina-Cinco Saltos.


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